Diet and Lifestyle to Optimize Testosterone Therapy
While TRT transforms hormone levels, certain lifestyle upgrades may enhance your results:
Nourish testosterone production: Enjoy healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, nuts and salmon. These provide cholesterol to synthesize testosterone and fuel hormones. Bone broth offers minerals like magnesium and zinc for production and absorption.
Reduce estrogens: Excess estrogens from body fat, plastics and soy suppress testosterone. Shed fat through exercise while avoiding unfermented soy and BPA containers to limit exposure. We offer solutions like DIM to aid estrogen metabolism as well.
Get adequate vitamin D: Low vitamin D correlates strongly with low testosterone. Get regular sunlight and consider 5000 IU daily supplements to restore this crucial precursor.
Sleep properly: Poor sleep sabotages testosterone. Follow basic sleep hygiene like limiting alcohol, avoiding screens before bed and making your room cooler and very dark. Consider melatonin if needed while getting 7-9 hours nightly.
Exercise right: Lift heavy weights just twice a week to boost testosterone and maintain lean mass. Go for compound moves like squats and deadlifts which trigger surge. Get another 2 days of gentler cardio for optimal results.
If motivation for healthy changes seems lacking, remember - balanced hormones power better habits. As your drive returns through TRT, eating right and active living come easier.
We offer extensive diet and supplement guidance to help you maximize treatment.